Pingo Database, 2022, Svalbard (NO)

Demidov, Vasiliy

The data contains the list of pingo and pingo-like forms over Svalbard archipelago. Each pingo is assigned with following data: coordinates, absolute height of pingo baseline, height of the mound, diameter of the mound, morphology of the mound, presence or absence of craters and crater lakes, presence or absence and chemical composition of springs/icings, chemical composition of springs/icings if applicable, geomorphological positioning, positioning relative to the local Holocene transgression limit, slope exposition if applicable, observed morphology dynamics, distance to the nearest glacier, presence or absence of vegetation cover, absolute or relative age of pingo formation where available, local geological strata and tectonic province, presence of confirmed or assumed fault line. The data allows to obtain statistics necessary for analizing pingos as phenomena of Svalbard.

The Iidentification of pingos is based on Svalbard aerial survey high resolution images which are publicly available at Norwegian Polar Institute online Topo Svalbard DEM resource (, 2008-2012). High resolution satellite images covering the whole archipelago are furthermorealso available at the Zoom Earth online database ( Pingo positioning, morphology, vegetation cover, presence of craters and distance to glaciers were analyzed using Norwegian Polar Institute Topo Svalbard S0 Terrengmodel Svalbard DEM model (2014) with 2-5 m resolution and orthophoto base map (maximum cache scaling 1:625 and resolution 0.165). Absolute height measurement accuracy is in range of ±2 m.

The presence of pingo springs was determined based on earlier reported data (Liestøl, 1977) with addition of pingos where icings are clearly visible on winter/spring Topo Svalbard and Zoom Earth 2018-2020 satellite images. Special information such as absolute age, drilling results, spring composition base on published data (Orvin, 1944; Liestøl, 1977; Yoshikawa and Harada, 1995, Matsuoka et. al, 2004; Hodson et. al, 2020; Demidov et al, 2019; Demidov et. al, 2020, Demidov et. al, 2021). The positioning of pingos relative to the local Holocene transgression limit was determined by comparing pingo baseline heights with the transgression isobase map of Bondevik et al. (1995) and for Grøndalen Valley with Sharin et al. (2014). Geological data is based on bedrock geology, tectonic structure and rock type maps (Geoscience atlas Atlas of Svalbard, 2019).

Personal field observations and sampling took place during summer seasons 2017-2020 on pingos of Grøndalen Valley (drilling of 4 pingos) and mounds and thermokarst funnels of Hollenderdalen Valley, in April-May 2020 on pingos and icings of Berzeliusdalen, Aurdalen, Vassdalen and Reindalen, and in March 2021 in Ebbadalen and vales around Pyramiden.


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Demidov, Vasiliy

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.940793
Institute Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Bering St. 38, 199397 St. Petersburg, Russia
Publication Date 2022-02-08
Version 1.0
Product Pingo database
Sensor remote sensing, field work
  1. Svalbard pingo database PANGAEA XLSX
  2. Svalbard pingo database CSV
Variables [Units]
  1. Number
  2. Pingo code name
  3. Location
  4. Mentioned by
  5. If not marked on Topo Svalbard
  6. E: Longitude
  7. N: Latitude
  8. Pingo baseline height [masl]
  9. Pingo mound height [m]
  10. Diameter by maximum axis [m]
  11. Pingo base height above the valley bottom [m]
  12. Pingo summit height [masl]
  13. Valley bottom (river) height [masl]
  14. Crater with lake
  15. Dry crater
  16. Pingo spring
  17. No vegetation on pingo
  18. Pingo completely covered by vegetation
  19. Icings on aerial images
  20. Several concentric crater rims
  21. Proximal to LIA moraines
  22. Pingo morphology (spherical, elongated oval, eroded by river, chaotic multiple summit mound, denudated, small less than 4 m high)
  23. Size (small less than 4 m, medium less than 10 m, Large over 10 m in height or over 200 m in diameter)
  24. Crater characteristics
  25. Depth and thickness of massive ice if drilled
  26. Positioning (proluvial/alluvial fans, deluvial and solifluction slopes, marine plain, LIA moraine, high terraces, low terraces, delta, floodplain and riverbed, lagoon)
  27. Local Holocene transgression height - Bondevik Mangerud Barentsoya and Edgeoya, Sharin, 2014
  28. Positioning relative to Holocene transgression (below/above)
  29. If found within LIA or Holocene moraine
  30. Erosion by modern river
  31. Valley part (upper valley, middle valley, lower valley)
  32. Slope exposition (north, south, other)
  33. Sediments (quaternary or supposedly quaternary, older than quaternary or supposedly older than quaternary)
  34. C14 date if available or date by aerial image comparison
  35. Hydrochemistry if sampled
  36. Icings on Topo Svalbard and Zoom Earth adjacent to the pingo
  37. Permafrost thickness if measured
  38. Observed recent dynamics
  39. Distance to closest glacier [km]
  40. Distance to closest glacier in same valley [km]
  41. Distance to the sea along the valley km
  42. Closest glacier's surface height masl (middle part of the glacier)
  43. Height difference between pingo and glacier m
  44. Facing the sea while standing in valley parallel to the sea (Liestol's discussion)
  45. Pingo group
  46. Region
  47. Tectonic structure
  48. Geological structure
  49. Rock type
  50. Vegetation (yes/no/a lot)
  51. Positioning on confirmed fault (yes/no/assumed) Norsk Polar Institutt maps and Arcticugol reports
  52. Very large (height more than 20 m or diameter more than 500 m)
  53. Very large (height more than 20 m)
Region Svalbard
Spatial Reference EPSG:4326 WGS 84
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Coverage Latitude 77.41132 to 79.71018, Longitude 11.86466 to 22.63266
Temporal Coverage
Temporal Resolution
Format XLSX
Is Supplement To

Demidov, Vasiliy; Demidov, Nikita; Verkulich, Sergey R; Wetterich, Sebastian (2022): Distribution of pingos on Svalbard. Geomorphology, 412, 108326,

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