Column |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Number |
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Pingo code name |
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Location |
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Mentioned by |
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If not marked on Topo Svalbard |
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Longitude |
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Latitude |
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Pingo baseline height masl |
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Pingo mound height m |
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Diameter by maximum axis m |
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Pingo base height above the valley bottom m |
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Pingo summit height masl |
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Valley bottom (river) height masl |
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Crater with lake |
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Dry crater |
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Pingo spring |
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No vegetation on pingo |
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Pingo completely covered by vegetation |
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Icings on aerial images |
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Several concentric crater rims |
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Proximal to LIA moraines |
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Pingo morphology (spherical, elongated oval, eroded by river, c |
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Size (small less than 4 m, medium less than 10 m, Large over 10 |
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Crater characteristics |
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Depth and thickness of massive ice if drilled |
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Positioning (proluvial/alluvial fans, deluvial and solifluction |
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Local Holocene transgression height - Bondevik Mangerud Barents |
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Positioning relative to Holocene transgression (below/above) |
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If found within LIA or Holocene moraine |
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Erosion by modern river |
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Valley part (upper valley, middle valley, lower valley) |
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Slope exposition (north, south, other) |
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Sediments (quaternary or supposedly quaternary, older than quat |
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C14 date if available or date by aerial image comparison |
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Hydrochemistry if sampled |
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Icings on Topo Svalbard and Zoom Earth adjacent to the pingo |
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Permafrost thickness if measured |
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Observed recent dinamics |
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Distance to closest glacier km |
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Distance to closest glacier in same valley km |
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Distance to the sea along the valley km |
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Closest glacier's surface height masl (middle part of the glaci |
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Height difference between pingo and glacier m |
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Facing the sea while standing in valley parallel to the sea (Li |
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Pingo group |
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Region |
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Tectonic structure |
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Geological structure |
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Rock type |
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Vegetation (yes/no/a lot) |
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Positioning on confirmed fault (yes/no/assumed) Norsk Polar Ins |
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Very large (height more than 20 m or diameter more than 500 m) |
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Very large (height more than 20 m) |
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