Lakes from Landsat 2000-2001, Lena Delta, Laptev and East Siberian Sea Region (RU)

Morgenstern, Anne; Röhr, Christina; Grosse, Guido; Grigoriev, Mikhail N

This data set provides a detailed inventory of lakes in the Lena Delta, northern Siberia, with respect to the lakes' association with one of the three geomorphological main terraces of the Lena Delta. The inventory is based on Landsat-7 ETM+ image data and spatial analysis in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Several morphometric lake attributes were determined from the resulting dataset and statistically analyzed. Significant differences in the morphometric lake characteristics allowed the distinction of a mean lake type for each main terrace. The lake types reflect the special lithological and cryolithological conditions and geomorphological processes prevailing on each terrace. In Morgenstern et al. (2008), special focus was laid on the investigation of lake orientation and the discussion of possible mechanisms for the evolution of the second terrace's oriented lakes.

The lake data sets were automatically extracted from a Landsat 7 ETM+ mosaic of the Lena delta (Schneider et al. 2009) by using grey-level thresholding of band 5 (Morgenstern et al., 2008). On the second terrace in the western Lena Delta, several coalesced lakes occur, which is obvious from deep basins divided by flat underwater ridges, some of them cut by deeper channels beneath the present lake water level. As our analyses were aimed on lake genesis, we manually divided the coalesced lakes (n=51) along the middle line of the ridges into their single basins and treated each basin as an individual lake (n=120 of which n=17 < 20 ha were excluded from further analysis). The second geomorphological terrace of the Lena River Delta was modified from Röhr (2001) on the basis of a Landsat 7 ETM+ mosaic (Schneider et al., 2009) with expert advice from Mikhail N. Grigoriev (Morgenstern et al., 2008). The third geomorphological terrace of the Lena River Delta was manually digitized by Guido Grosse, AWI Potsdam, based on Landsat 7 ETM+ data of the Lena delta, then modified by Anne Morgenstern with field and expert advice from Mikhail N. Grigoriev (Morgenstern et al., 2008).


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Morgenstern, Anne

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.758728
Project(s) RESPONSE Remote Sensing of POlar Non-glaciated and Sensitive Environments
Institute AWI Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Publication Date 2011-03-30
Version 1.0
Product Lake inventory
Sensor Landsat
  1. Lena Delta lakes
Variables [Units]
  1. area of lake [m²]
  2. perimeter of lake [m]
  3. ratio of area to perimeter
  4. circularity of the lake, [0;1]
  5. lake elongation, orientation
  6. position of lake level above sea level [m]
  7. maximum radius within the lake
  8. x-centroid, y-centroid, major axis, minor axis
  9. geomorphologic main terrace of the Lena delta on which the lake is situated
  10. degree of deviation from mean orientation
Region Laptev and East Siberian Sea Region
Spatial Reference EPSG:32652 WGS 84 / UTM zone 52N
Spatial Resolution 30 m
Spatial Coverage Latitude 71.67 to 73.93, Longitude 122.24 to 129.48
Temporal Coverage 2000-07-26; 2000-08; 2001-07-26; 2000-07
Temporal Resolution
Format Shapefile
Is Supplement To
Related to

Morgenstern, Anne (2005): GIS-basierte Analyse der Morphometrie und räumlichen Verteilung von Seen im Lena-Delta, NO-Sibirien. Diploma Thesis, Institut für Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam

Morgenstern, Anne; Grosse, Guido; Schirrmeister, Lutz (2008): Genetic, morphological, and statistical characterization of lakes in the permafrost-dominated Lena Delta. in: Kane, D L; Hinkel, K M (eds.) (2008) Permafrost: proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Permafrost, 29 June - 3 July 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska, Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1239-1244, hdl:10013/epic.31930.d001

Röhr, Christina (2001): Die Erstellung eines digitalen Atlas der arktischen Region Lena Delta (Nordjakutien). Diploma Thesis, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 42 pp

Schneider, Julia; Grosse, Guido; Wagner, Dirk (2009): Land cover classification of tundra environments in the Arctic Lena Delta based on Landsat 7 ETM+ data and its application for upscaling of methane emissions. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(2), 380-391,

Dataset extent