Ice wedge polygon occurrence and geomorphology from LiDAR elevation data, 2012 and 2014, south of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska (US)

Abolt, Charles J; Young, Michael H

We mapped the occurrence of more than one million ice wedge polygons over a landscape of approximately 1,200 square kilometers, just south of Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska, USA. The microtopographic relief at the center of each polygon was then calculated relative to the periphery, as a proxy for low-centered or high-centered form. Polygon boundaries are presented as shapefiles in UTM Zone 6N coordinates; the centroid, area, and relative elevation at the center of each instance are included in the associated attribute tables. Each shapefile covers one square kilometer of terrain; a unified attribute table in tab-delineated format is also provided. Additionally, the lidar-derived elevation data used as input for the mapping procedure are presented in GeoTIFF (rasterized) and LAZ (point-cloud) formats, and code (written in MATLAB vR2017b) has been uploaded. Additional information regarding the creation of the data sets can be found in the accompanying manuscript in Scientific Data.


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Abolt, Charles J

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.910178
Project(s) Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic (NGEE-Arctic)
Institute Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Publication Date 2019-12-19
Version 1.0
Product High-resolution maps of ice wedge polygon occurrence and geomorpholog
Sensor LiDAR, terrestrial (LiDART)
  1. README (Textfile)
  2. Lidar-derived rasters: DEM (GeoTIFF)
  3. Lidar-derived rasters: microtopographic imagery (GeoTIFF)
  4. Polygon boundaries (1231 Shapefiles)
  5. Polygon statistics (tab-delineated format)
  6. Lidar-derived original point clouds (LASZ) (11 Chunks)
  7. Matlab code
  8. Raw convolutional neural network output (GeoTIFF)
  9. Labeled polygons (GeoTIFF)
Variables [Units]
  1. pid: polygon id
  2. site: site id
  3. cenx: UTM x-coordinate of polygon centre [m]
  4. ceny: UTM y-coordinate of polygon centre [m]
  5. area: area [m²]
  6. perim: perimeter
  7. zcen: elevation of polygon centre [m]
Region North Slope
Spatial Reference EPSG:32606 WGS 84 / UTM zone 6N
Spatial Resolution 0.5 m
Spatial Coverage Latitude 69.70 to 70.17, Longitude -149.27 to -148.68
Temporal Coverage 2012, 2014
Temporal Resolution August
Format Shapefile, GeoTiff, LASZ, Matlab code, tab-delineated file
Is Supplement To

Abolt, Charles J; Young, Michael H (2020): High-resolution mapping of spatial heterogeneity in ice wedge polygon geomorphology near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Scientific Data, 7, 87,

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