Circumpolar Thermokarst Landscapes, 2015, Circum-Arctic

Olefeldt, David; Goswami, Santonu; Grosse, Guido; Hayes, David J; Kuhry, Peter; Sannel, Britta; Schuur, Edward A G; Turetsky, Merritt R

This data set provides the distribution of thermokarst landscapes in the boreal and tundra ecoregions within the northern circumpolar permafrost zones. This dataset provides an areal estimate of wetland, lake, and hillslope thermokarst landscapes as of 2015. Estimates of soil organic carbon (SOC) content associated with thermokarst and non-thermokarst landscapes were based on available circumpolar 0 to 3 meter SOC storage data.

A spatial modelling framework was used to estimate where thermokarst landscapes are currently located or could develop.The framework weighed the perceived relative influence of landscape characteristics including ground ice content, sedimentary overburden thickness, permafrost zonation, terrestrial ecoregion, topographical roughness, and the presence of permafrost peat soils (histels). Weights of landscape characteristics for determining the regional coverage were decided through an expert elicitation, which included input from all co-authors as well as from members of the Permafrost Carbon Network.

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In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:

Olefeldt, D., S. Goswami, G. Grosse, D.J. Hayes, G. Hugelius, P. Kuhry, B. Sannel, E.A.G. Schuur, and M.R. Turetsky. 2016. Arctic Circumpolar Distribution and Soil Carbon of Thermokarst Landscapes, 2015. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.



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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1332
Institute Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Publication Date 2016-08-24
Version 1.0
Product Thermokarst Landscapes
Sensor Expert Evaluation
    Variables [Units]
      Region Circum-Arctic
      Spatial Reference ESRI:102017 WGS84 / North Pole Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
      Spatial Resolution
      Spatial Coverage Latitude 35.04 to 90.00, Longitude -180.00 to 180.00
      Temporal Coverage 2015
      Temporal Resolution
      Format Shapefile, kmz-file
      Is Supplement To
      Related to

      Dataset extent