Laboratory soil incubation respiration rates from permafrost in subarctic Canada, 2013 & 2014
This dataset contains measures of laboratory soil incubation respiration rates from permafrost in subarctic Canada. Soil cores were sampled from a peatland plateau and a thawing... -
Greenhouse gas production and soil chemistry in soil Incubations after nitrogen addition, Seward Peninsula, 2018-2019
This dataset provides the results of laboratory soil microcosm incubation experiments conducted under anaerobic conditions with and without the addition of ammonium chloride... -
Methane fluxes from burnt and unburnt forests from permafrost in subarctic Canada, 2013 & 2014
This dataset contains methane fluxes from peatland plateaus and thawing peatland plateaus and from burnt and unburnt forests from permafrost in subarctic Canada. Methane fluxes... -
Soil respired radiocarbon as CO2 and CH4 from permafrost in subarctic Canada, 2013 & 2014
This dataset contains measures of soil respired radiocarbon as CO2 and CH4 from peatland plateaus and thawing peatland plateaus and from burnt and unburnt forests from... -
Geochemistry of incubated permafrost and seawater from the western Canadian Arctic
We present geochemical and hydrochemical information on individual permafrost and seawater samples from the Yukon Coast in the western Canadian Arctic used for an incubation... -
Anaerobic incubation measurements (CH4+CO2) and microbe quantification, Lena Delta, 2018
The data sets were made during the summer 2021, with samples collected from three cores, at two depths (active and permafrost layers). In total, six samples (3 replicates by... -
ABoVE: Methane Ebullition Hotspots in Frozen Lakes near Fairbanks, Alaska, Oct 2014
This dataset includes maps of the locations and number of methane ebullition hotspots in 15 frozen lakes in the southern portion of the Goldstream Valley and the surrounding... -
TCCON data from Sodankylä, Lapland (FI), Release GGG2020.R0
The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers that record direct solar absorption spectra of the atmosphere in... -
UAV-based methane data from Barter Island, September 2017, Barrow, 1986-2017, Alaska (US)
Arctic permafrost stores vast amounts of methane (CH4) in subsurface reservoirs. Thawing permafrost creates areas for this potent greenhouse gas to be released to the... -
Radiocarbon content of CO2, CH4, DOC and particulate organic carbon from the northern permafrost region
The dataset includes 14C measurements of CO2, CH4, DOC and POC mostly from the northern permafrost region. Some other studies are included from sites not underlained by... -
Global SCIAMACHY and GOSAT Level 3 gridded atmospheric column-average methane (XCH4) product in Obs4MIPs format, 2003...
This dataset contains satellite-derived atmospheric column-average dry-air mole fractions of methane (XCH4), and is a Level 3 gridded product in Obs4MIPs format. It has been... -
Isotopic composition of ground ice, ebullition gases and thermokarst lake water, Alaska, 2008-2010
Thermokarst lakes are thought to have been an important source of methane (CH4) during the last deglaciation when atmospheric CH4 concentrations increased rapidly. Here we... -
GHG data from inverse models and UNFCCC national inventories, Global, 1990-2019
Anthropogenic greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) data from inverse models and UNFCCC national inventories This dataset contains 5 datasets, including GHG... -
Methane and nitrous oxide dissolved gas concentrations in seawater from the North American Arctic Ocean (2015–2018)
This dataset contains methane and nitrous oxide dissolved gas concentration, dissolved methane carbon isotope, and ancillary hydrographic data from research cruises in the North... -
Methane and nitrous oxide dissolved gas concentrations from rivers in the North American Arctic (2017–2019)
This dataset contains methane and nitrous oxide dissolved gas concentration and dissolved methane carbon isotope data from rivers in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago region... -
CO2 and CH4 Production in Soil Incubations from Low and High Centered Polygons, Barrow, Alaska, 2012-2013
The dataset consists of respiration and methane production rates obtained from soil microcosm studies carried out under controlled temperature and incubation conditions. Soils... -
Chamber methane fluxes with spectrometer from a polygon tundra, 2015, northeastern Siberia
This dataset contains in situ CH4 fluxes measured through the chamber technique over the growing season of 2015 (from July to September) at a wet polygon center and a dry... -
Global 0.5-deg Wetland Methane Emissions and Uncertainty (WetCHARTs v1.0), 2009-2010
This data set provides global monthly wetland methane (CH4) emissions and uncertainty data products derived from an ensemble of multiple terrestrial biosphere models, wetland... -
Global-Gridded Daily Methane Emissions from Inland Dam-Reservoir Systems, 2002-2015
This dataset includes global maps of methane (CH4) emissions from inland dam-reservoir systems at 0.25-degree spatial resolution. Daily emission rates (as grams of CH4 per day... -
CARVE column gas from Airborne fourier transform spectrometer, Alaska, 2012-2015
This data set provides total vertical column O2, CO2, CH4, CO, and H2O, as well as dry-air columns of CO2, CH4, CO, and H2O from airborne campaigns over the Alaskan and Canadian...