ESA Land Cover Climate Change Initiative (Land_Cover_cci)

As part of the ESA Climate Change Inititiave (CCI), the Land_Cover_cci project is concerned with the generation of the land cover ECV. Land cover is defined as the physical material at the surface of the earth. Land covers include grass, asphalt, trees, bare groung, water, etc. The overall Land_Cover_cci objective is to critically revisit all algorithms required for the generation of a global land product in the light of GCOS requirements, and to design and demonstrate a prototype system delivering in a consistent way over years and from various EO instruments global land cover information matching the needs of key users’ belonging to the climate change community. The focus is placed on the ESA and Member States missions providing near daily global surface reflectance observation at moderate spatial resolution (MERIS FR & RR, SPOT VEGETATION) but the contribution of ESA SAR sensors will also be investigated to tackle specific land cover discrimination issue.
