The Wetland and Wetland CH4 Inter-comparison of Models Project (WETCHIMP) data archive

Kaplan, Jed O.; Melton, Joe R.

This archive contains the raw and post-processed model output used in the The Wetland and Wetland CH4 Inter-comparison of Models Project (WETCHIMP). There are top-level directories in this archive, "raw" and "processed". The model short-names used throughout are explained below. All model results in the processed folder have been standardized and are organized by experiment number. That does not preclude them from having some remaining inconsistencies, however the majority have been removed. Model results used in Melton et al. 2012 Biogeosci Disc. are noted with an asterix in the description below. Further descriptions can be found in Wania et al. 2012 GMD.

Processed files: General file naming convention is
where VAR is one of:
amax_weta = annual maximal wetland areal extent (m^2)
mmax_weta = monthly maximal wetland areal extent (m^2)
mch4_e = monthly emitted to atmosphere CH4 flux density (g CH4 / m^2 of gridcell)
ach4_e = annual emitted to atmosphere CH4 flux density (g CH4 / m^2 of gridcell)
EXP# is the experiment number (1 - 6). For further information see Wania et al. 2012 GMD, Melton et al. 2012 Biogeosciences, and the WETCHIMP wiki (currently offline - contact Joe Melton for details).
NB: not all models submitted results for all experiments (see table in Wania et al. 2012)
MODEL is one of the following models (with a brief description of the model results): see Additional Info - Variables [Units]

"raw" model results:
Each model has its own tarred and gzipped archive. An extended record is also available for ORCHIDEE (1932-1992). To open an archive after downloading use:
gunzip modelname.tar.gz
tar xvf modelname.tar
Once unpacked you will have all of the submitted files for that model. The full listing of variables, units, shortnames etc. can be requested from Joe Melton. If you have questions, Joe Melton can answer some or you might want to contact the modelling group that contributed the runs (see table in Wania et al. 2012 GMD for main contact for each model).


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:


Kaplan, Jed O.

Metadata Access

DCAT in RDF/XML-Format

DCAT in Turtle-Format

DCAT in JSON-LD-Format

APGC Dataset Metadata in JSON-Format

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.887208
Project(s) The Wetland and Wetland CH4 Inter-comparison of Models Project (WETCHIMP)
Institute ARVE Research SARL Pully, Switzerland
Publication Date 2018-03
Version March, 2018
Product model data archive
  1. WETCHIMP raw and post-processed model outputs
Variables [Units]
  1. Bern = LPJ-Bern results that include wetlands, rice, aerobic soil consumption
  2. Bern_norice* = LPJ-Bern results excluding rice
  3. Bern_noconsum* = LPJ-Bern results excluding rice and aerobic soil consumption
  4. Bern_nowetsoil* = LPJ-Bern results excluding rice, aerobic soil consumption and wet mineral soils
  5. CLM4Me* = CLM4Me results are the original CLM grid resolution (these include aerobic soil CH4 consumption)
  6. DLEM = DLEM results including both wetlands, rice, and aerobic soil uptake
  7. DLEM_norice* = DLEM results excluding rice but including aerobic soil uptake
  8. DLEM_rice = DLEM results for rice only
  9. IAPRAS* = IAP-RAS results, there are no monthly results for IAP-RAS. Wetland area is fixed for all experiments.
  10. = equilibrium after 1000 years of spinup, CH4 fluxes are g CH4/ m^2 peatland
  11. = annual CH4 fluxes per gridcell (weighted by peatland area of each gridcell). equilibrium after 1000 years of spinup
  12. = annual CH4 fluxes from all peatlands, equilibrium after 1000 years of spinup
  13.* = equilibrium after 2000 years of spinup, CH4 fluxes are g CH4/ m^2 peatland
  14. = annual CH4 fluxes per gridcell (weighted by peatland area of each gridcell). equilibrium after 2000 years of spinup
  15. =annual CH4 fluxes from all peatlands, equilibrium after 1000 years of spinup
  16. Orchidee_alt* = ORCHIDEE model results for all water table depths using the internal TOPMODEL based approach for inter- and intra-annual wetland extents.
  17. Orchidee_altsat = ORCHIDEE model results for only saturated areas using the internal TOPMODEL based approach for inter- and intra-annual wetland extents.
  18. Orchidee = ORCHIDEE model results for all water table depths using the prescribed Papa et al. 2010 inter- and intra-annual wetland extents.
  19. Orchidee_sat = ORCHIDEE model results for only saturated areas using the prescribed Papa et al. 2010 inter- and intra-annual wetland extents.
  20. SDGVM* = SDGVM
  21. UVic = UVic-ESCM results interpolated to 0.5 degrees
  22. UVic_nointerp*= UVic-ESCM results on their original grid
  23. VIC = UW-VIC results for inundated + saturated areas (Note: UW-VIC results are preliminary)
  24. VIC_sat = UW-VIC results for only saturated areas (Note: UW-VIC results are preliminary)
  25. WSL* = LPJ-WSL
Region Global
Spatial Reference EPSG:4326 WGS 84
Spatial Resolution 0.5° to 3.6°
Spatial Coverage Latitude -90.00 to 90.00, Longitude -180.00 to 180.00
Temporal Coverage
Temporal Resolution monthly, annual
Format NetCDF
Is Supplement To
Related to
Related to Melton, Joe R; Wania, R; Hodson, E L; Poulter, Benjamin; Ringeval, B; Spahni, Renato; Bohn, Theodore J; Avis, C A; Beerling, David J; Chen, Guangsheng; Eliseev, A V; Denisov, S N; Hopcroft, P O; Lettenmaier, Dennis P; Riley, William J; Singarayer, Joy S; Subin, Z M; Tian, Hanqin; Zürcher, S; Brovkin, Victor; van Bodegom, Peter M; Kleinen, Thomas; Yu, Z C; Kaplan, Jed O (2013): Present state of global wetland extent and wetland methane modelling: conclusions from a model inter-comparison project (WETCHIMP). Biogeosciences, 10(2), 753-788, | Wania, R; Melton, Joe R; Hodson, E L; Poulter, Benjamin; Ringeval, B; Spahni, Renato; Bohn, Theodore J; Avis, C A; Chen, Guangsheng; Eliseev, A V; Hopcroft, P O; Riley, William J; Subin, Z M; Tian, Hanqin; van Bodegom, Peter M; Kleinen, Thomas; Yu, Z C; Singarayer, Joy S; Zürcher, S; Lettenmaier, Dennis P; Beerling, David J; Denisov, S N; Prigent, C; Papa, F; Kaplan, Jed O (2013): Present state of global wetland extent and wetland methane modelling: methodology of a model inter-comparison project (WETCHIMP). Geoscientific Model Development, 6(3), 617-641,

Dataset extent