Coastal Retrogressive Thaw Slumps from GeoEye-1, WorldView-2 and Aerial Photographs, 2011, Yukon Coast (CA)

Ramage, Justine L; Konopczak, Anna M; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Morgenstern, Anne; Couture, Nicole; Lantuit, Hugues

Coastal retrogressive thaw slumps (RTSs) were manually digitized at a 1:2000 scale using ArcMap (ESRI, version 10.3) from high‐resolution satellite images acquired in July (13 and 18), August (31), and September (13) 2011 (multispectral GeoEye‐1 and WorldView‐2—1.8 m resolution in multispectral and 0.5 m in panchromatic view). The RTSs were classified according to their activity. Characteristics were derived and morphological and spatial information for each coastal segment from an airborne lidar data set acquired in July 2013 were extracted. More information can be found in the corresponding publication


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Lantuit, Hugues

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.869573
Project(s) COPER Coastal permafrost erosion, organic carbon and nutrient release to the arctic nearshore zone
Institute AWI Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Publication Date 2016-12-19
Version 1.0
Product Retrogressive Thaw Slumps
Sensor GeoEye-1, WorldView-2, Aerial Photographs
  1. RTS characteristics and spatial information
Variables [Units]
  1. Name of the coastal segments [Names]
  2. Surficial geology [Classes]:L, Mm, Mr
  3. Type [Classes]: stable, active
  4. Areal extent of a RTS [ha]
  5. Width of the RTS lobe [m]
  6. Distance from the RTS to the shore [m]
  7. Orientation of the RTS [°]
  8. Height statistics within the slump floor of a RTS [m (above sea level (asl))]
  9. Slope statistics within the slump floor of a RTS [°]
Region Yukon Coast, Canada
Spatial Reference EPSG:32607 WGS 84 / UTM zone 7N
Spatial Resolution 0.5 m - 1.8 m
Spatial Coverage Latitude 69.02 to 69.64, Longitude -140.55 to -137.61
Temporal Coverage 2011-07-13; 2011-07-18; 2011-08-31; 2011-09-13
Temporal Resolution
Format Shapefile
Is Supplement To

Ramage, Justine L; Irrgang, Anna Maria; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Morgenstern, Anne; Couture, Nicole; Lantuit, Hugues (2017): Terrain controls on the occurrence of coastal retrogressive thaw slumps along the Yukon Coast, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 122(9), 1619-1634,

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