Distribution of pingos from an IfSAR digital surface model, 2002-2006, western Arctic Coastal Plain, Northern Alaska (US)

Jones, Benjamin M.; Grosse, Guido; Hinkel, Kenneth M.; Arp, Christopher D.; Walker, Shane; Beck, Richard A.; Galloway, John P.

A detailed attributed point feature shapefile of 1247 pingo locations was manually assembled from a 5m resolution digital surface model (DSM) derived from an airborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR) system with data from 2002 to 2006 to assess the distribution and morphometry of pingos within a 40,000 km² area on the western Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska. The study region is bounded by the Itkillik River and Colville River Delta to the east, the Beaufort and Chukchi Sea to the North, the extent of the IfSAR derived DSM to the west, and the boundary between the Arctic Coastal Plain and Foothill physiographic provinces to the south.

Detailed information about the methods can be found in the publication to which this dataset is a supplement.


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:


Jones, Benjamin M.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.906226
Institute Alaska Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, USA
Source https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.906226
Publication Date 2019-09-23
Version 1.0
Product Pingo Distribution
Sensor IfSAR
  1. point feature shapefile of pingo locations
Variables [Units]
  1. X: longitude of pingo position [decimal degrees]
  2. Y: latitude of pingo position [decimal degrees]
  3. Area_m²_: area of pingo [m²]
  4. Length_m_: length of pingo [m]
  5. Width_m_: width of pingo [m]
  6. MAX_SLP: maximum slope [°]
  7. MIN_SLP: minimum slope [°]
  8. MEAN_SLP: mean slope [°]
  9. Height_mer: pingo height [m]
Region Northern Alaska
Spatial Reference EPSG:26905 NAD83 / UTM zone 5N
Spatial Resolution 5 m
Spatial Coverage Latitude 69.51 to 70.58, Longitude -158.12 to -150.83
Temporal Coverage 2002 to 2006
Temporal Resolution
Format Shapefile
Is Supplement To

Benjamin M. Jones, Guido Grosse, Kenneth M. Hinkel, Christopher D. Arp, Shane Walker, Richard A. Beck, John P. Galloway (2012): Assessment of pingo distribution and morphometry using an IfSAR derived digital surface model, western Arctic Coastal Plain, Northern Alaska, Geomorphology, 138(1), 1-14, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.08.007

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