Phytoplankton pigment concentrations measured by HPLC in the surface water during 4 expeditions from spring to fall in 2019, Mackenzie Delta Region (CA)

Matsuoka, Atsushi; Juhls, Bennet; Bécu, Guislain; Oziel, Laurent; Leymarie, Edouard; Lizotte, Martine; Ferland, Joannie; Doxaran, David; Maury, Juliette; Béguin, Marine; Laberge-Carignan, Audrey; Guilmette, Caroline; Hilborn, Andrea; Tisserand, Lucas; Devred, Emmanuel; Bossé-Demers, Thomas; Mannino, Antonio; Babin, Marcel

The determination of phytoplankton using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is detailed in Hooker et al. (2005; doi:10.1364/AO.44.000553) and Ras et al. (2008; doi:10.5194/bg-5-353-2008). Briefly, the pigments of particles retained on GF/F (0.7 µm) filters were extracted at -20°C with 3 mL methanol (100%). The filter samples were then disrupted using a sonicator and clarified one hour later by vacuum filtration through GF/F filters. The extracts were rapidly analyzed within 24h by HPLC with a complete Agilent Technologies system (comprising LC Chemstation software, a degasser, a binary pump, a refrigerated autosampler, a column thermostat and a diode array detector).


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Matsuoka, Atsushi

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Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.937585
Project(s) NUNATARYUK, Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast, science for socioeconomic adaptation
Institute Takuvik International Research Laboratory (IRL 3376), ULaval – CNRS, Biology department, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Publication Date 2021-10-27
Version 1.0
Sensor High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  1. NunaWP4Mackenzie19_phytopl_pigments TAB delimited text file
Variables [Units]
  1. Event
  2. Expedition
  3. Latitude
  4. Longitude
  5. Date/Time
  6. Station
  7. Depth water [m]
  8. Chl a: Chlorophyll a [mg/m³]
  9. Chl b: Chlorophyll b [mg/m³]
  10. Chl c: Chlorophyll c [mg/m³]
  11. a-Car + b-Car: alpha-Carotene + beta-Carotene [mg/m³]
  12. But-fuco: 19-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin [ mg/m³]
  13. Hex-fuco: 19-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin [mg/m³]
  14. Allo: Alloxanthin [mg/m³]
  15. Diadino: Diadinoxanthin [mg/m³]
  16. Diato: Diatoxanthin [mg/m³]
  17. Fuco: Fucoxanthin [mg/m³]
  18. Perid: Peridinin [mg/m³]
  19. Zea: Zeaxanthin [mg/m³]
  20. MV chl a: Monovinyl chlorophyll a [mg/m³]
  21. Chlide a: Chlorophyllide a [mg/m³]
  22. MV chl b: Monovinyl chlorophyll b [mg/m³]
  23. Chl c1+c2+Mg DVP: Chlorophyll c2 + chlorophyll c1 + Mg-2,4-divinyl pheoporphyrin [mg/m³]
  24. Chl c3: Chlorophyll c3 [mg/m³]
  25. Lut: Lutein [mg/m³]
  26. Neo: Neoxanthin [mg/m³]
  27. Viola: Violaxanthin [mg/m³]
  28. Phytin a tot: Pheophytin a, total [mg/m³]
  29. Phide a tot: Pheophorbide a, total [mg/m³]
  30. Pras: Prasinoxanthin [mg/m³]
  31. Chl tot: Chlorophyll total [mg/m³]
  32. PPC: Carotenoid pigments, photoprotective [mg/m³]
  33. PSC: Carotenoid pigments, photosynthetic [mg/m³]
  34. PSP: Pigments, photosynthetic [mg/m³]
  35. Carotenoids tot: Carotenoids, total [mg/m³]
  36. Pigm tot acc: Pigments, total accessory [mg/m³]
  37. Pigm tot: Pigments, total [mg/m³]
  38. Pigm tot diag: Pigments, total diagnostic [mg/m³]
  39. Pigm acc/chl a: Pigments, accessory/chlorophyll a ratio
  40. PSC/Carotenoids tot: Carotenoid pigments, photosynthetic/Carotenoids, total ratio
  41. PPC/Carotenoids tot: Carotenoid pigments, photoprotective/Carotenoids, total ratio
  42. Chl tot/Carotenoids to: Chlorophyll, total/Carotenoids, total ratio
  43. PPC/Pigm tot: Carotenoid pigments, photoprotective/Pigments, total
  44. PSC/Pigm tot: Carotenoid pigments, photosynthetic/Pigments, total
  45. Chl a/Pigm tot: Chlorophyll a/Pigments, total
Region Mackenzie Delta Region
Spatial Reference EPSG:4326 WGS 84
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Coverage Latitude 68.264050 to 69.648520, Longitude -138.135120 to -133.031410
Temporal Coverage 2019
Temporal Resolution April - September
Format TXT
Is Supplement To

Juhls, B., Lizotte, M., et al. (2021). Hydrographical, biogeochemical and bio-optical water properties in the Mackenzie Delta Region during 4 expeditions from spring to fall in 2019,

Related to

Lizotte, M. Juhls, B. et al. (2023). Nunataryuk field campaigns: Understanding the origin and fate of terrestrial organic matter in the coastal waters of the Mackenzie Delta region. Earth System Science data. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 1617–1653.

Juhls, B, Matsuoka, A., Lizotte, M. et al. (2022). Seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the Mackenzie Delta, Canadian Arctic waters: Implications for ocean colour remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 283,113327.

Dataset extent