Ground Temperature Map, 2000-2017, Antarctic

Obu, Jaroslav; Westermann, Sebastian; Kääb, Andreas; Bartsch, Annett

The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for Antarctica and Subantarctic islands at 1 km spatial resolution. Permafrost probability (fraction values from 0 to 1) is assigned to each grid cell with MAGT < 0°C. Based on its permafrost probability each grid cell is classified as continuous, discontinuous and sporadic permafrost. Borehole temperature data from 35 boreholes were used to validate the Antarctic permafrost product and yielded a RMSE of 1.9 °C.

Modeled ground temperature data is also available for the Northern Hemisphere, the Andes, New Zealand, and the East African Plateau.

More Information about the modelling method can be found in the product guide.


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:


Obu, Jaroslav

Metadata Access

DCAT in RDF/XML-Format

DCAT in Turtle-Format

DCAT in JSON-LD-Format

APGC Dataset Metadata in JSON-Format

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.902576
Project(s) ESA GlobPermafrost
Institute University of Oslo
Publication Date 2019-06-12
Version 5.0
Product Permafrost Extent and Properties
Sensor MODIS
  1. Mean Annual Ground Temperature (MAGT)
  2. MAGT Standard Deviation
  3. Permafrost Probability Fraction
Variables [Units]
  1. Mean Annual Ground Temperature (MAGT) [C°]
  2. MAGT Standard Deviation [C°]
  3. Permafrost Probability [Fraction]: 0-1
Region Antarctic
Spatial Reference EPSG:3031 WGS 84 / Antarctic Polar Stereographic
Spatial Resolution 1 km
Spatial Coverage Latitude -90.00 to -23.78, Longitude -180.00 to 180.00
Temporal Coverage 2000-2017
Temporal Resolution
Format Geotiff
Is Supplement To
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Dataset extent