Rockglacier and Slope Instability Inventory from differential SAR interferograms and optical imagery, 1998-2016, Tapado (Andes)

Strozzi, Tazio

Rockglaciers and other periglacial processes were mapped using visual analysis of differential SAR interferograms and satellite optical images (Google Satellite, Bing Aerial) between 1998 and 2016. Every object is assigned a process type (rockglacier, landslide etc.) and state-of-activity. State-of-activity indicates surface deformation rates in cm per year.


Thanks to the University of Savoie Mont Blanc for its contributions to this inventory.


Strozzi, Tazio

Metadata Access

DCAT in RDF/XML-Format

DCAT in Turtle-Format

DCAT in JSON-LD-Format

APGC Dataset Metadata in JSON-Format

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Project(s) ESA GlobPermafrost
Institute GAMMA Remote Sensing Research and Consulting AG
Publication Date
Version 1.0
Product Rockglacier and Slope Instability Map
  1. Rockglacier and Slope Instability Inventory
Variables [Units]
  1. Process Type (ProcType): landslide, rockglacier, solifluction / superficial debris movement
  2. State-of-Activity: 0-2 cm/year, 2-10 cm/year, 10-50 cm/year, 50-100 cm/year, >100 cm/year, undefined
Region Andes
Spatial Reference EPSG:32719 WGS 84 / UTM zone 19S
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Coverage Latitude -30.45 to -29.90, Longitude -70.12 to -69.60
Temporal Coverage 1998-2016
Temporal Resolution
Format Shapefile
Is Supplement To
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Dataset extent