Hyperspectral Imagery AVIRIS-NG V2, 2017-2019, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic

Miller, Charles E.; Green, Robert O.; Thompson, David R.; Thorpe, Andrew K.; Eastwood, Michael; Mccubbin, I.B.; Olson-Duvall, Winston; Bernas, M.; Sarture, C.M.; Nolte, S.; Rios, L.M.; Hernandez, M.A.; Bue, B.D.; Lundeen, Sarah R.

This dataset provides Level 1 radiance and Level 2 surface reflectance measured by the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) instrument during flights over the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) domain from June to August in 2017 and July to August in 2018 and 2019. AVIRIS-NG measures reflected radiance in 425 bands at 5-nanometer (nm) intervals in the visible to shortwave infrared spectral range between 380 and 2510 nm. Measurements are radiometrically and geometrically calibrated and provided at approximately 5-meter spatial resolution. The data include 848 flight lines covering areas of interest to the ABoVE campaign over much of Alaska and western Canada. These data will allow researchers to characterize ecosystem structure and function near the height of the growing season. This dataset represents one part of a multi-sensor airborne sampling campaign conducted by eleven different aircraft teams for ABoVE. The L2 reflectance files in this publication were reprocessed with an updated reflectance algorithm and replace Versions 1 of this dataset. The imagery data are provided in ENVI format along with a RGB composite image for each flight line and shapefiles showing imagery boundaries.


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:

Miller, C.E., R.O. Green, D.R. Thompson, A.K. Thorpe, M. Eastwood, I.B. Mccubbin, W. Olson-Duvall, M. Bernas, C.M. Sarture, S. Nolte, L.M. Rios, M.A. Hernandez, B.D. Bue, and S.R. Lundeen. 2022. ABoVE: Hyperspectral Imagery AVIRIS-NG, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic, 2017-2019 V2. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2009

This dataset is openly shared, without restriction, in accordance with the EOSDIS Data Use Policy.



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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2009
Project(s) Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
Institute Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Source https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2009
Publication Date 2022-11-17
Version 2.0
Product AVIRIS-NG Level 1 radiance and Level 2 surface reflectance
Sensor Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG)
  1. ABoVE AVIRIS-NG boundaries 2017 zipped shapefile
  2. ABoVE AVIRIS-NG boundaries 2018 zipped shapefile
  3. ABoVE AVIRIS-NG boundaries 2019 zipped shapefile
  4. L1 Radiance ENVI binary image files (e.g. ang20170817t185348.tar.gz) and accompanying header files (*.hdr)
  5. L2 Reflectance ENVI binary files (e.g. ang20170817t185348_rfl.tar.gz) and accompanying header files (*.hdr)
  6. RGB composite image jpeg (e.g. ang20170817t185348_RGB.jpeg)
  7. ABoVE AVIRIS-NG User Guide html
  8. ABoVE AVIRIS-NG User Guide pdf
  9. AVIRIS-NG Distribution Document txt
Variables [Units]
  1. Level 1 calibrated radiance from AVIRIS-NG in microwatts per centimeter squared per nanometer per steradian [µW cm-2 nm-1 sr-1]
  2. Geometric lookup table (GLT): Provides information about which original pixel occupies which output pixel in the final product, Positive values indicate real data; negative values indicate nearest-neighbor filled data (2 bands: Sample number, Original line number)
  3. Input geometry file: Contains UTM ground locations in meters for each pixel in the corresponding unorthocorrected radiance image (3 bands: UTM easting [m], UTM northing [m], Estimated ground elevation at each pixel center [m])
  4. Pixel location file: Latitude/longitude pixel locations in WGS84 for each pixel in the corresponding unorthocorrected radiance image (3 bands: WGS84 longitude [decimal degrees], WGS84 latitude [decimal degrees], Estimated ground elevation at each pixel center [m])
  5. Observation parameters (unorthocorrected): (11 bands: path length [sensor-to-ground in meters], to-sensor-azimuth [0 to 360 degrees clockwise from N], to-sensor-zenith [0 to 90 degrees from zenith], to-sun-azimuth [0 to 360 degrees clockwise from N], to-sun-zenith [0 to 90 degrees from zenith], solar phase [degrees between to-sensor and to-sun vectors in principal plane], slope [local surface slope as derived from DEM in degrees], aspect [local surface aspect 0 to 360 degrees clockwise from N], cosine i [apparent local illumination factor based on DEM slope and aspect and to-sun vector, -1 to 1], UTC time [decimal hours for mid-line pixels], Earth-sun distance [AU])
  6. Orthocorrected observation parameters: Observation parameter file that has been rendered using the GLT and matches the orthocorrected imagery. (11 bands (same as unorthocorrected; see above))
  7. Orthocorrected and atmospherically corrected surface reflectance (Gao et al., 1993; Thompson et al., 2015)
  8. 425 bands in 5-nm intervals in the visible to shortwave infrared spectral range from 380 to 2510 nm
Region Alaskan and Canadian Arctic
Spatial Reference EPSG:32610 WGS 84 / UTM zone 10N
Spatial Resolution 5 m
Spatial Coverage Latitude 52.160 to 71.380, Longitude -166.651 to -103.404
Temporal Coverage 2017-06-24 to 2019-08-04
Temporal Resolution Areas were surveyed once
Format ENVI binary image, JPEG, Shapefile
Is Supplement To
Related to

Miller, C.E., R.O. Green, D.R. Thompson, A.K. Thorpe, M. Eastwood, I.B. Mccubbin, W. Olson-duvall, M. Bernas, C.M. Sarture, S. Nolte, L.M. Rios, M.A. Hernandez, B.D. Bue, and S.R. Lundeen. 2019. ABoVE: Hyperspectral Imagery from AVIRIS-NG, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic, 2017-2019. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1569

Elder, C.D., D.R. Thompson, A.K. Thorpe, P.Hanks, K.M.W. Anthony, and C.E. Miller. 2020. Airborne Mapping Reveals Emergent Power Law of Arctic Methane Emissions. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 47, 3. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085707

Elder, C.D., D.R. Thompson, A.K. Thorpe, H.A. Chandanpurkar, P.J. Hanke, N. Hasson, S.R. James, B.J. Minsley, N.J. Pastick, D. Olefeldt, K.M. Walter Anthony, and C.E. Miller. 2021. Characterizing methane emission hotspots from thawing permafrost. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35, e2020GB006922. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GB006922

Dataset extent