Ground layer above-ground biomass of 39 sites from 2018 central Chukotka (RU) - Raw data of dry weight for each sub-ground vegetation type sampling plot

Shevtsova, Iuliia; Kruse, Stefan; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Brieger, Frederic; Schulte, Luise; Stuenzi, Simone Maria; Pestryakova, Luidmila A; Zakharov, Evgenii S

Field investigations were performed in four areas: a treeless mountainous tundra (16-KP-04; Lake Rauchuagytgyn area), tundra-taiga transition zone (16-KP-01, Lake Ilirney area) and a northern taiga (18-BIL-01, 18-BIL-02). In total, 39 sites were investigated. The sites were placed to cover different vegetation communities that characterise central Chukotka. Fifteen-meter radius sample plots (sites) were demarcated in the most homogeneous locations. Heterogeneity was accommodated by roughly assorting vegetation into two to three vegetation types per sampling plot. Within each area of roughly estimated vegetation types we selected one 0.5 x 0.5 m subplot for representative ground-layer above-ground biomass (ABG) harvesting (major taxa and other). For moss and lichen AGB harvesting inside 0.5 x 0.5 m subplots representative 0.1 x 0.1 m subplots were chosen. All harvested AGB samples were weighed fresh in the field. In general, AGB samples with a weight of more than 15 g were subsampled. All samples were oven dried (60 °C, 24 h for ground-layer and moss and lichen samples, 48 h for shrub and tree branch samples) and weighed again. This dataset contains the raw data of dry weight for each sub-ground vegetation type sampling plot. All data was collected by scientists from Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and University of Potsdam, Germany, The Institute for Biological problems of the Cryolithozone, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian branch, and The Institute of Natural Sciences, North-Eastern Federal University of Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Russia. The AGB data calculations for the plot area including tree and tall shrubs can be found at


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Shevtsova, Iuliia

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.956072
Project(s) Carbon in Permafrost / Kohlenstoff im Permafrost (KoPF)
Institute AWI Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Publication Date 2023-03-23
Version 1
Sensor sampling
  1. KoPF_VegMass_2018 TAB delimited text
Variables [Units]
  1. Event: Event label
  2. Latitude: Latitude of event
  3. Longitude: Longitude of event
  4. Date/Time: Date/Time of event
  5. Site: Site
  6. ID: Identification (Reference ID for linking data to remote sensing data)
  7. Veg cov: Vegetation, cover [%]
  8. Area: Total plot area [m²]
  9. Vegetation A: Vegetation, area [m²]
  10. Sample area [m²]
  11. B. exilis biom dm: Betula exilis, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  12. B. exilis biom dm: Betula exilis, biomass, dry mass [g]
  13. L. palustre biom dm: Ledum palustre, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  14. L. palustre biom dm: Ledum palustre, biomass, dry mass [g]
  15. V. uliginosum biom dm: Vaccinium uliginosum, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  16. V. uliginosum biom dm: Vaccinium uliginosum, biomass, dry mass [g]
  17. V. vitis-idaea biom dm: Vaccinium vitis-idaea, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  18. V. vitis-idaea biom dm: Vaccinium vitis-idaea, biomass, dry mass [g]
  19. Rubus sp. biom dm: Rubus sp., biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  20. Rubus sp. biom dm: Rubus sp., biomass, dry mass [g]
  21. E. nigrum biom dm: Empetrum nigrum, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  22. E. nigrum biom dm: Empetrum nigrum, biomass, dry mass [g]
  23. A. tripterocarpum biom dm: Aconogonon tripterocarpum, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  24. A. tripterocarpum biom dm: Aconogonon tripterocarpum, biomass, dry mass [g]
  25. Moss+lichen biom dm: Moss and lichen, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  26. Moss+lichen biom dm: Moss and lichen, biomass, dry mass [g]
  27. Salix spp. biom dm: Salix spp., biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  28. Salix spp. biom dm: Salix spp., biomass, dry mass [g]
  29. A. polifolia biom dm: Andromeda polifolia, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  30. A. polifolia biom dm: Andromeda polifolia, biomass, dry mass [g]
  31. A. fruticosa biom dm, Alnus fruticosa, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  32. A. fruticosa biom dm, Alnus fruticosa, biomass, dry mass [g]
  33. C. tetragona biom dm, Cassiope tetragona, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  34. C. tetragona biom dm, Cassiope tetragona, biomass, dry mass [g]
  35. D. octopetala biom dm, Dryas octopetala, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  36. D. octopetala biom dm, Dryas octopetala, biomass, dry mass [g]
  37. P. pumila biom dm, Pinus pumila, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  38. P. pumila biom dm, Pinus pumila, biomass, dry mass [g]
  39. Pyrola sp. biom dm, Pyrola sp., biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  40. Pyrola sp. biom dm, Pyrola sp., biomass, dry mass [g]
  41. R. arctica biom dm, Rosa arctica, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  42. R. arctica biom dm, Rosa arctica, biomass, dry mass [g]
  43. E. arvense biom dm, Equisetum arvense, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  44. E. arvense biom dm, Equisetum arvense, biomass, dry mass [g]
  45. Plants oth biom dm, Plants, other, biomass, dry mass [g/m²] (in sample area)
  46. Plants oth biom dm, Plants, other, biomass, dry mass [g]
Region Chukotka
Spatial Reference EPSG:4326 WGS 84
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Coverage Latitude 67.367027 to 68.467810, Longitude 163.352262 to 168.710700
Temporal Coverage 2018-07-04 to 2018-07-22
Temporal Resolution
Format TXT
Is Supplement To
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Shevtsova, Iuliia; Heim, Birgit; Runge, Alexandra; Fuchs, Matthias; Melchert, Jan; Kruse, Stefan; Herzschuh, Ulrike (2023): Ground layer above-ground biomass of 25 sites central Lena Delta from 2018 - Raw data of dry weight for each sub-ground vegetation type sampling plot. PANGAEA,

Shevtsova, Iuliia; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Heim, Birgit; Schulte, Luise; Stuenzi, Simone Maria; Pestryakova, Luidmila A; Zakharov, Evgenii S; Kruse, Stefan (2021): Recent above-ground biomass changes in central Chukotka (Russian Far East) using field sampling and Landsat satellite data. Biogeosciences, 18(11), 3343-3366,

Shevtsova, Iuliia; Kruse, Stefan; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Brieger, Frederic; Schulte, Luise; Stuenzi, Simone Maria; Pestryakova, Luidmila A; Zakharov, Evgenii S (2020): Total above-ground biomass of 39 vegetation sites of central Chukotka from 2018. PANGAEA,

Dataset extent