Distribution and morphometry of pingos, western Canadian Arctic, Northwest Territories, (CA)

Wolfe, Stephen; Morse, Peter; Parker, Ryan; Phillips, Marcus

GIS shape files including spatial and morphometric data of pingos in the western Canadian Arctic and accompanying Excel spreadsheet summarizing metrics for pingos of differing height categories. Within ArcGIS®, the pingo database of Wolfe et al. (2021) and HRDEM (Natural Resources Canada, 2020) were used to determine pingo metrics, including top and base elevations, planimetric (“footprint”) area, slope, surface area, ratio of the surface area to base area (i.e., surface ratio), and volume. Pingos were seperated into categories of 0.6 to 2.0 m, and >2.0 m high. Metrics were determined with use of custom algorithm implemented as a Python script utilizing the ArcPy library and DEM Surface Tools extension (Jenness, 2010) for ArcGIS® DesktopTM 10.7.1. Detailed methodology may be found in the accompanying paper.


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation: Wolfe, Stephen; Morse, Peter; Parker, Ryan; Phillips, Marcus (2023), “Distribution and morphometry of pingos, western Canadian Arctic, Northwest Territories, Canada: Datasets and Supplementary Materials”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/kgbsjvrj32.1


Wolfe, Stephen

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI: 10.17632/kgbsjvrj32.1
Institute Geological Survey of Canada
Source https://doi.org/10.17632/kgbsjvrj32.1
Publication Date 2023-04-05
Version 1
Product Pingo Database Western Canada
Sensor ArcGIS tools, HRDEM
  1. Western Canadian Arctic Pingo Shapefiles
  2. Western Canadian Arctic Pingo Excel file
Variables [Units]
  1. Count
  2. PingoID: Unique alpha-numeric indentifier (P####)
  3. Latitude:Latitude of the pingo maximum elevation based on the WGS84 datum (WKID:4326) [decimal degrees]
  4. Longitude: Longitude of the pingo maximum elevation based on the WGS84 datum (WKID:4326) [decimal degrees]
  5. easting: Easting of the pingo maximum elevation based on the NAD 1983 CSRS Northwest Territories Lambert projection (WKID:3581) [m]
  6. northing: Northing of the pingo maximum elevation based on the NAD 1983 CSRS Northwest Territories Lambert projection (WKID:3581) [m]
  7. TopElevation: Maximum elevation of the pingo [m asl]
  8. UsedInQA: Binary flag for if the pingo was used in the QA/QC
  9. region: Physiographic subregion the pingo falls within
  10. surficialGeologyCode: Code of the surficial geology unit the pingo falls within (see legend of GSC Map 1647A Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands)
  11. surficialGeologyType: Type of surficial geology unit the pingo falls within (see legend of GSC Map 1647A Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands)
  12. surficialGeologySubtype: Subtype of surficial geology unit the pingo falls within (see legend of GSC Map 1647A Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands)
  13. water: Binary flag for if the pingo falls within a CANVEC 50K digitized waterbody (1 = water; 0 = no water)
  14. State: Coded field describing if the pingo is intact or degraded (see State Value/Pingo State)
  15. radiusN: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the north transect base elevation [m]
  16. radiusS: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the south transect base elevation [m]
  17. radiusE: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the east transect base elevation [m]
  18. radiusW: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the west transect base elevation [m]
  19. radiusNE: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the northeast transect base elevation [m]
  20. radiusSE: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the southeast transect base elevation [m]
  21. radiusNW: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the northwest transect base elevation [m]
  22. radiusSW: Planimetric distance from the maximum elevation point to the southwest transect base elevation [m]
  23. baseElevN: Base elevation identified along the north transect [m asl]
  24. baseElevS: Base elevation identified along the south transect [m asl]
  25. baseElevE: Base elevation identified along the east transect [m asl]
  26. baseElevW: Base elevation identified along the west transect [m asl]
  27. baseElevNE: Base elevation identified along the northeast transect [m asl]
  28. baseElevSE: Base elevation identified along the southeast transect [m asl]
  29. baseElevNW: Base elevation identified along the northwest transect [m asl]
  30. baseElevSW: Base elevation identified along the southwest transect [m asl]
  31. baseElevation: Calculated base elevation [m asl]
  32. baseElevationMethod: Method used to calculate the base elevation (derived from median (median) or from mean of lowest 3 elevations (meanLowest3))
  33. height: Height of the pingo [m]
  34. volume: Volume of the pingo [m³]
  35. fpArea: Planimetric (footprint) area of the pingo footprint [m²]
  36. meanDemSlope: Mean DEM derived slope of the pingo [degrees]
  37. medianDemSlope: Median DEM derived slope of the pingo [degrees]
  38. surfaceArea: Surface area of the pingo [m²]
  39. surfaceRatio: Surface area / footprint area (unitless)
  40. thirdSteepestSlope: Slope derived from pingo height and distance along third shortest radii [degrees]
  41. pingoClass: Coded field describing the type of pingo (high slope / low slope)
  42. topElevation_ArcticDEM: Maximum elevation of the pingo as measured by the sea level corrected ArcticDEM [m asl]
  43. baseElevation_Manual: Pingo base elevation determined manually. When a value is given for topElevation_ArcticDEM then this value was also collected using ArcticDEM [m asl]
  44. metadataID: A unique identifier based on the position of the point according to NRCan’s NTS 1:50 000 mapsheets and grid reference system, which utilizes the NAD83 datum. A pingo with UID '107B168W85403233' is located in mapsheet 107B16, within UTM Zone 8 and Row W, at grid reference 585406 m E and 7632331 m N
Region Northwest Territories, Canada
Spatial Reference EPSG:3581 NAD 1983 / CSRS Northwest Territories Lambert
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Coverage Latitude 68.778260 to 70.235745, Longitude -128.566047 to -136.143051
Temporal Coverage
Temporal Resolution
Format Shapefile, XLSX
Is Supplement To

Stephen A. Wolfe, Peter D. Morse, Ryan Parker, Marcus R. Phillips, Distribution and morphometry of pingos, western Canadian Arctic, Northwest Territories, Canada, Geomorphology, Volume 431, 2023, 108694, ISSN 0169-555X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108694.

Related to

Wolfe, S.A., Morse, P.D., Behnia, P., 2021. Spatial Distribution of Pingos in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands and Adjacent Areas, Northwest Territories, Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8787, 1 .zip file. https://doi.org/10.4095/328305

Dataset extent