Dissolved methane and hydrochemical parameters in ice cores from 2017, Bykovsky Peninsula, Lena Delta

Spangenberg, Ines; Overduin, Pier Paul; Damm, Ellen; Bussmann, Ingeborg; Meyer, Hanno; Liebner, Susanne; Angelopoulos, Michael; Biskaborn, Boris K; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Grosse, Guido

Data were analyzed to study the role of an winter ice cover for methane cycles of three different stages in the lake-lagoon-shelf transition in a region of rapidly thawing permafrost in northeast Siberia. Dissolved methane concentrations and stable carbon isotopic signature of methane as well as hydrochemical parameters, as stable water isotope composition, electrical conductivity, dissolved organic carbon and temperature were analyzed in ice cores. The ice cores were taken at Tiksi Bay (core 27-30), Polar Fox Lagoon (core 31 and 32), and Goltsovoye Lake (core 20-24) in April 2017.


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Spangenberg, Ines

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Field Value
Identifier DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.913642
Project(s) Permafrost Research (Periglacial Dynamics) @ AWI (AWI_PerDyn), Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems @ AWI (AWI_Envi), Rapid Permafrost Thaw in a Warming Arctic and Impacts on the Soil Organic Carbon Pool (PETA-CARB)
Institute University of Potsdam
Source https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.913642
Publication Date 2020-11-20
Version 1.0
Product Dissolved methane concentrations and stable carbon isotopic signature of methane
Sensor Cavity ring-down spectroscopy and isotope ratio mass spectrometry
  1. Bykovsky_2017_Ice.tab
Variables [Units]
  1. Elevation: ELEVATION [m a.s.l.]
  2. Core: Core
  3. Recovery: Recovery [m]
  4. Depth ice/snow: DEPTH, ice/snow [m]
  5. Depth top: Depth, top/min [m]
  6. Depth bot: Depth, bottom/max [m]
  7. Snow thick: Snow thickness [m]
  8. Sal: Salinity
  9. Cond: Conductivity [mS/cm]
  10. pH: pH
  11. Temp: Temperature, water [°C]
  12. DOC: Carbon, organic, dissolved [mg/l]
  13. CH4: Methane [nmol/l]
  14. δ13C: δ13C [‰ PDB]
  15. δ18O: δ18O [‰]
  16. δD: δ Deuterium [‰ SMOW]
  17. d xs: Deuterium excess [‰]
  18. F-: Fluoride [mg/l]
  19. Cl-: Chloride [mg/l]
  20. [SO4]2-: Sulfate [mg/l]
  21. Br-: Bromide [mg/l]
  22. [NO3]-: Nitrate [mg/l]
  23. [PO4]3-: Phosphate [mg/l]
  24. Al: Aluminium [µg/l]
  25. Ba: Barium [µg/l]
  26. Ca2+: Calcium [mg/l]
  27. Fe: Iron [µg/l]
  28. K+: Potassium [mg/l]
  29. Mg2+: Magnesium [mg/l]
  30. Mn: Manganese [µg/l]
  31. Na+: Sodium [mg/l]
  32. P: Phosphorus [mg/l]
  33. Si: Silicon [mg/l]
  34. Sr: Strontium [µg/l]
Region Eastern Siberia
Spatial Reference
Spatial Resolution Point based
Spatial Coverage Latitude: 71.717412 to 71.745440, Longitude: 129.299160 to 129.349096
Temporal Coverage 2017
Temporal Resolution Discrete
Format TAB
Is Supplement To

Spangenberg, Ines; Overduin, Pier Paul; Damm, Ellen; Bussmann, Ingeborg; Meyer, Hanno; Liebner, Susanne; Angelopoulos, Michael; Biskaborn, Boris K; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Grosse, Guido (in review): Methane Pathways in Winter Ice of Thermokarst Lakes, Lagoons and Coastal Waters in North Siberia. The Cryosphere Discussions, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2019-304

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