Geomorphological units from field mapping, Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica

Goyanes, Gabriel; Vieira, Gonçalo

The map shows the geomorphological units of Hurd Peninsula on Livingston Island. Mapping was done with high resolution field mapping supported by the analysis of a QuickBird scene. Mapping focused on present-day geomorphological processes and on the characteristics of the surface materials. The map was produced with the objective to contribute to analysis of surface deformation products derived from remote sensing imagery and permafrost modelling within the project ESA Data User Element - GlobPermafrost (DUE-GlobPermafrost).

More information about the geomorphological mapping and units can be found in the product guide.


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Vieira, Gonçalo

Metadata Access

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.886648
Project(s) ESA GlobPermafrost
Institute ZAMG Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
Publication Date 2018
Version 1.0
Product Geomorphology
  1. Geomorphological units (GMP)
Variables [Units]
  1. Geomorphological units (GMP) [Classes]: Beach; Outwash; Debris; Talus; Moraine; Rock; Pond; Rock glacier; Glacier; Snow
Region Antarctica
Spatial Reference EPSG:32720 WGS84 / UTM Zone 20S
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Coverage Latitude -62.65 to -62.72, Longitude -60.45 to -60.32
Temporal Coverage
Temporal Resolution
Format ESRI shapefile
Is Supplement To
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Dataset extent