BAWLD-CH4: Methane Fluxes from Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems, 1984-2019, Pan-Arctic

McKenzie Kuhn; Varner R.K.; Bastviken, D.; Crill, P.; MacIntyre, S.; Turetsky, M.; Anthony, K. W.; McGuire, A. D.; Olefeldt, D.

These are the data files for the Boreal-Arctic Wetland and Lake Database methane (CH4) flux dataset (BAWLD-CH4). The dataset is a synthesis of reported methane fluxes from natural ecosystems in the Boreal-Arctic region. The dataset is split into two components- 1) terrestrial methane fluxes (wetland and non-wetland) and 2) aquatic methane fluxes (lakes and ponds). BAWLD-CH4 was constructed in parallel with a compatible land cover dataset (Olefeldt et al. 2021) sharing the same land cover classes to enable refined bottom-up assessments of annual CH4 emissions from the Boreal-Arctic region. BAWLD-CH4 includes information on site-level, surface CH4 fluxes, but also on study design (measurement method, timing, and frequency) and site characteristics (vegetation, climate, hydrology, soil, and sediment types, permafrost conditions, lake size and depth, and BAWLD land cover class).


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:

McKenzie Kuhn, Ruth Varner, David Bastviken, Patrick Crill, Sally MacIntyre, et al. 2021. BAWLD-CH4: Methane Fluxes from Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems. Arctic Data Center doi:10.18739/A2DN3ZX1R.


McKenzie Kuhn

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Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.18739/A2DN3ZX1R.
Institute University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Publication Date 2021-11-05
Version 1.0
Product Synthesis of reported methane fluxes from natural ecosystems in the Boreal-Arctic region
Sensor Fluxes measured via static chambers, automated chambers, eddy covariance, snowpack diffusion, concentration gradient, water sample, bubble trap
  1. Metadata EML v2.2.0 file
  2. BAWLD_CH4_Terrestrial CSV file
  3. BAWLD_CH4_Aquatic CSV file
Variables [Units]
  1. RefID: Number ID attached in independent publications
  2. Dataset: Data entry source (Kuhn et al., 2021 or Olefeldt et al., 2012) See 'Related to:" below.
  3. Reference: Author name and year published
  4. LatDec: Latitude coordinates given by the authors in decimal degrees
  5. LongDec: Longitude coordinates given by the authors in decimal degrees
  6. Site: Names of general site location/s provided by the authors
  7. SiteID: An abbreviated version of the site name
  8. Country: Country where the research took place
  9. ID: Name of the individual plot or subsite where the measurement took place
  10. Ecosystem: Short name for the ecosytem type described by the authors
  11. SiteDescrip: A description of the site given by the authors
  12. Class: BAWLD Landcover classification
  13. ShoulderSeason: Are measurements from a should season reported in this study?
  14. Seas: In what seasons are measurements reported for this study
  15. Year.P: Year the study was published
  16. Years: Year/s the fieldwork took place
  17. SampleDays: Number of days that measurements were taken
  18. Month.Numbers: The span of months in which sampling occurred.
  19. SampMonths: The months that sampling took place in
  20. Meth: Methane flux measurement method [C: Chamber; E: Eddy covariance; C/E: Chamber and eddy covariance reported, but chamber value chosen; A: Concentration gradient]
  21. Coll: Number of collars used to estimate the average methane flux at a site
  22. Occ: Number of times a flux was measured at an individual collar
  23. GrowSL: Length of the growing season in days as reported by the authors
  24. CH4An: Annual methane emissions [g m-2 yr-1]
  25. log.CH4: Log Daily methane emissions [mg m-2 yr-1]
  26. CH4.Pos: Daily methane emissions + 5 to be converted to log values [mg m-2 yr-1]
  27. CH4Av: Average daily methane emissions [mg m-2 yr-1]
  28. CH4Md: Median daily methane emission [mg m-2 yr-1]
  29. CH4Mx: Max daily methane emission [mg m-2 yr-1]
  30. NEPPer: Net Ecosystem Primary Productivity [g m-2 yr-1]
  31. ERPer: Ecosystem Respiration [g m-2 yr-1]
  32. GEPPer: Gross Ecosystem Productivity [g m-2 yr-1]
  33. MAAT: Mean Annual Temperature [°C]
  34. MAP: Mean Annual Precipitation [mm yr-1]
  35. TPer: Reported air temperature at the time of the methane measurement [°C]
  36. AveGridTemp: Average gridded temperature over the growing season months for each study based on the BAWLD gridded monthly air temperatures from WorldClim2 [°C]
  37. TSoilA: Temperature of the soil in the top 5 centimeters [cm]
  38. TsoilB: The temperature of the soil below 5 - 25 centimeters [cm]
  39. TSoilDepth: Measurement depth for TsoilB in centimeters [cm]
  40. WTAv: Water Table Average [cm]
  41. WTFit: Water Table Fit [cm]
  42. WTMax: Maximum water table depth over the growing season [cm]
  43. WTMin: Minimum water table depth over the growing season [cm]
  44. WTFluc: Fluctuation of the water table depth over the growing season [cm]
  45. SoilMoist: Soil Moisture percentage [%]
  46. SoilMostD: Depth the soil moisture was measured [cm]
  47. Org: Organic Layer Depth [cm]
  48. AL: Active Layer Depth at the time of measurement [cm]
  49. Thaw: Thaw Depth [cm]
  50. PfReg: Permafrost region type [C: Continuous; D: Discontinuous; S:Sporadic; N: No Permafrost]
  51. PfConA: Permafrost present in the top 2 meters [Y: Yes; N: No]
  52. PfTh: Permafrost Thaw Presence [Y: Yes; N: No]
  53. pH: pH [pH]
  54. Sedge: Sedge cover at the site [A: Absent; P: Present; D: Dominant]
  55. Sphag: Sphagnum moss cover at the site [A: Absent; P: Present; D: Dominant]
  56. Moss: Non-sphagnum moss cover at the site [A: Absent; P: Present; D: Dominant]
  57. Trees: Tree cover at the site [A: Absent; P: Present; D: Dominant]
  58. Shrubs: Shrub cover at the site [A: Absent; P: Present; D: Dominant]
  59. Annual.Temp: Mean Annual Temperature in Celsius for each 0.5 by 0.5 grid cell from WorldClim2 [°C]
  60. TotalID: Unique Total Site ID
  61. CD_Pcp_An: Gridded (0.5 by 05. degrees) mean annual precipitation in millimeters per year from WorldClim2 [mm]
  62. BIOME: Biome [11: Tundra; 6: Biome]
  63. DOI: DOI link to the article in which the data was extracted from
Region Circum-Arctic
Spatial Reference
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Coverage Latitude 55.00 to 90.00, Longitude -180.00 to 180.00
Temporal Coverage 1984-2019
Temporal Resolution Daily
Format CSV
Is Supplement To

Kuhn, M. A., Varner, R. K., Bastviken, D., Crill, P., MacIntyre, S., Turetsky, M., Walter Anthony, K., McGuire, A. D., and Olefeldt, D. (2021): BAWLD-CH4: a comprehensive dataset of methane fluxes from boreal and arctic ecosystems, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 5151–5189,

Related to

Olefeldt, D. , Hovemyr, M. , Kuhn, M. A. , Bastviken, D. , Bohn, T. J. , Connolly, J. , Crill, P. , Euskirchen, E. S. , Finkelstein, S. A. , Genet, H. , Grosse, G. , Harris, L. I. , Heffernan, L. , Helbig, M. , Hugelius, G. , Hutchins, R. , Juutinen, S. , Lara, M. J. , Malhotra, A. , Manies, K. , McGuire, A. D. , Natali, S. M. , O'Donnell, J. A. , Parmentier, F. J. W. , Räsänen, A. , Schädel, C. , Sonnentag, O. , Strack, M. , Tank, S. E. , Treat, C. , Varner, R. K. , Virtanen, T. , Warren, R. K. and Watts, J. D. (2021): The Boreal–Arctic Wetland and Lake Dataset (BAWLD) , Earth System Science Data, 13 (11), pp. 5127-5149 . doi: 10.5194/essd-13-5127-2021

Olefeldt, D., Turetsky, M.R., Crill, P.M. and McGuire, A.D. (2012), Environmental and physical controls on northern terrestrial methane emissions across permafrost zones. Glob Change Biol, 19: 589-603.

Dataset extent