Aufeis (naleds) from 1958 historical maps and 2013-2017 Landsat-8 OLI images, Indigirka River basin, Siberia (RU)

Makarieva, Olga; Shikhov, Andrey; Ostashov, Andrey; Nesterova, Nataliia

The GIS database contains the data of aufeis (naleds) in the Indigirka River basin (Russia) from historical and nowadays sources, and complete ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 and Qgis 3* projects to view and analyze the data. All data and projects have WGS 1984 coordinate system (without projection). ArcGIS and Qgis projects contain two layers, such as Aufeis_kadastr (historical aufeis data collection, point objects) and Aufeis_Landsat (satellite-derived aufeis data collection, polygon objects).

Historical data collection is created based on the Cadastre of aufeis (naleds) of the North-East of the USSR (1958). Each aufeis was digitized as point feature by the inventory map (scale 1:2 000 000), or by topographic maps. Attributive data was obtained from the Cadastre of aufeis. According to the historical data, there were 896 aufeis with a total area 2063.6 km² within the studied basin.

Present-day aufeis dataset was created by Landsat-8 OLI images for the period 2013-2017. Each aufeis was delineated by satellite images as polygon. Cloud-free Landsat images are obtained immediately after snowmelt season (e.g. between May, 15 and June, 18), to detect the highest possible number of aufeis. Critical values of Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) were used for semi-automated aufeis detection. However, a detailed expert-based verification was performed after automated procedure, to distinguish snow-covered areas from aufeis and cross-reference historical and satellite-based data collections. According to Landsat data, the number of aufeis reaches 1213, with their total area about 1287 km².

The difference between the Cadastre (1958) and the satellite-derived data may indicate significant changes of aufeis formation environments.

Detailed information about the methods can be found in the publication to which this dataset is a supplement.


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Makarieva, Olga

Metadata Access

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.891036
Institute Melnikov Permafrost Institute of RAS, Yakutsk, Russia; St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Publication Date 2018-06-14
Version 1.0
Product Aufeis GIS catalogue for the Indigirka River basin
Sensor Landsat-8 OLI
  1. Database description MS Word file
  2. Aufeis Cadastre point feature shapefile
  3. Aufeis Landsat polygon feature shapefile
  4. Aufeis Cadastre text file
  5. Aufeis Landsat text file
  6. Watershed borders of rivers Indigirka, Elgi, Nera, Suntar kmz files
Variables [Units]
  1. AufDataSrc: Aufeis Data Source (Aufeis Cadastre data (1958))
  2. WRS2_ID: Landsat WRS2 ID (Landsat scene identifier in the WRS2 graph of the USGS. The first three digits indicate the column number, and last three digits represent the line number.)
  3. Image_Date: Landsat Image Date [YYYY-MM-DD]
  4. Comment: Additional information
  5. CrossIndex: Cross Index (Identifier of aufeis by Landsat images (key field for the reference to the Cadastre data))
  6. Auf_Area: Aufeis area [km²]
  7. Elevation: Average Elevation (of aufeis, calculated by Aster GDEM digital elevation model) [m]
  8. Auf_index: Aufeis Index Cadastre (Index of the aufeis in the Cadastre (1958) (it contains 0 if the aufeis was missing in the Cadastre, but found in the topographic map (1980) scale 1: 200 000))
  9. map_index: Cadastre Map Index
  10. auf_topo: Aufeis in Topo (Presence of the aufeis at topographic map) [0 – missing, 1 – present]
  11. auf_in_map: Aufeis in Map (Presence of the aufeis in the Cadastre) [0 – missing, 1 – present]
  12. toponumber: Nomenclature of the topographic map sheet
  13. date: Cadastre Map date [YYYY-MM-DD]
  14. elevation: Cadastre Map Elevation (Height above sea level (determined by Aster GDEM)) [m]
  15. distanse_m: Distance (Minimum distance between the aufeis from the Cadastre and the same aufeis from Landsat image) [m]
  16. Long: Longitude [degree]
  17. Lat: Latitude [degree]
Region Siberia
Spatial Reference EPSG:4326 WGS 84
Spatial Resolution 30 m
Spatial Coverage Latitude 61.82 to 69.71, Longitude 137.82 to 148.49
Temporal Coverage 1958, 2013, 2017
Temporal Resolution May-June
Format Shapefile, KML
Is Supplement To

Makarieva, O., Shikhov, A., Nesterova, N., and Ostashov, A.: Historical and recent aufeis in the Indigirka River basin (Russia), Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 409–420,, 2019.

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