ABoVE/ASCENDS: Active Sensing of CO2, CH4, and Water Vapor, Alaska and Canada, 2017

Abshire, J.B.; J. Mao; H. Riris; S.R. Kawa; X. Sun.

This dataset provides in situ airborne measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor concentrations, plus air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and wind speed values over Alaska and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada during 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08. Measurements were taken onboard a DC-8 aircraft during this Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days and Seasons (ASCENDS) airborne deployment over portions of the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) domain. CO2 and CH4 were measured with NASA's Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere (AVOCET) instrument. Water vapor and relative humidity were measured with Diode Laser Hydrometer. Measurements of column-averaged dry-air mixing ratio CO2 measurements (XCO2) were taken with the CO2 Sounder Lidar instrument. The airborne CO2 Sounder is a pulsed, multi-wavelength Integrated Path Differential Absorption lidar. It estimates XCO2 in the nadir path from the aircraft to the scattering surface by measuring the shape of the 1572.33 nm CO2 absorption line. The data were collected in order to capture the spatial and temporal dynamics of the northern high latitude carbon cycle as part of ABoVE and are provided in ICARTT file format.

There are 40 data files in ICARTT format (*.ict) included in this dataset


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:

Abshire, J.B., J. Mao, H. Riris, S.R. Kawa, and X. Sun. 2022. ABoVE/ASCENDS: Active Sensing of CO2, CH4, and Water Vapor, Alaska and Canada, 2017. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2050

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2050
Project(s) The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
Institute NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Source https://daac.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/dsviewer.pl?ds_id=2050
Publication Date 2022-05-04
Version 1.0
Product Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor concentrations
Sensor NASA's Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere (AVOCET) instrument
  5. Ascends-Hskping_DC8_YYYYMMDD_RC.ict
Variables [Units]
  1. Start_UTC: Start UTC time of day in seconds [s]
  2. Stop_UTC: Stop UTC time of day in seconds [s]
  3. Mid_UTC: Mean UTC time of day in seconds [s]
  4. CH4_ppmv: Methane dry mixing ratio [ppmv]
  5. CO2_ppmv: Carbon dioxide dry mixing ratio [ppmv]
  6. XCO2_Sounder: Column-averaged dry-air mixing ratio of CO2 (XCO2) [ppm]
  7. Sigma_XCO2_Sounder: Standard deviation for XCO2 average [ppm]
  8. Lidar_Surface_Latitude: Surface latitude [degrees_north]
  9. Lidar_Surface_Longitude: Surface longitude [degrees_east]
  10. Lidar_Range: Distance to reflective surface [m]
  11. Lidar_Off_nadir_Angle: Angle from lidar beam to aircraft nadir [degrees]
  12. Lidar_Surface_Elevation: Mean seal level of reflective surface [m]
  13. Aircraft_Latitude: Aircraft latitude [degrees_north]
  14. Aircraft_Latitude: Aircraft longitude [degrees_east]
  15. Aircraft_Latitude: GPS height above mean sea level [m]
  16. Aircraft_Pitch_Angle: Aircraft pitch [degrees]
  17. Aircraft_Pitch_Angle: Aircraft roll [degrees]
  18. Day_Of_Year: Day of year, beginning January 1 [d]
  19. Latitude: [°N]
  20. Longitude: [°E]
  21. MSL_GPS_Altitude: Sensor height above mean sea level [m]
  22. HAE_GPS_Altitude: Sensor height above WGS84 ellipsoid [m]
  23. Pressure_Altitude: Aircraft altitude from air pressure [ft]
  24. Radar_Altitude: Aircraft altitude from radar [ft]
  25. Ground_Speed: Aircraft ground speed [m s-1]
  26. True_Air_Speed: Air speed in knots [kts]
  27. Indicated_Air_Speed: Air speed in knots [kts]
  28. Mach_Number: Air speed in mach number [mach]
  29. Vertical_Speed: Vertical speed [m s-1]
  30. True_Heading: Aircraft heading, 0-360 degrees, clockwise from +y [degrees]
  31. Track_Angle: Aircraft track, 0-360 degrees, clockwise from +y [degrees]
  32. Drift_Angle: Aircraft drift, +/-180 degrees, clockwise from +y [degrees]
  33. Pitch_Angle: Aircraft pitch, +/-180 degrees, up+ [degrees]
  34. Roll_Angle: Aircraft roll, +/-180 degrees, right+ [degrees]
  35. Static_Air_Temp: Air temperature [C]
  36. Potential_Temp: Air temperature [K]
  37. Dew_Point: Dew point temperature [C]
  38. Total_Air_Temp: Air temperature [C]
  39. IR_Surf_Temp: Surface temperature [C]
  40. Static_Pressure: Air pressure [mb]
  41. Cabin_Pressure: Air pressure [mb]
  42. Wind_Speed: Wind speed, limited to where Roll_Angle <= 5 degrees [m s-1]
  43. Wind_Direction: Wind direction, 0-360 degrees, clockwise from +y [degrees]
  44. Solar_Zenith_Angle: Solar zenith angle [degrees]
  45. Aircraft_Sun_Elevation: Aircraft sun elevation angle [degrees]
  46. Sun_Azimuth: Sun azimuth angle [degrees]
  47. Aircraft_Sun_Azimuth: Aircraft-sun azimuth angle [degrees]
  48. Mixing_Ratio: Atmospheric mixing ratio [g kg-1]
  49. Part_Press_Water_Vapor: Partial pressure of water vapor [mb]
  50. Sat_Vapor_Press_H2O: Saturated vapor pressure over liquid water [mb]
  51. Sat_Vapor_Press_Ice: Saturated vapor pressure over ice [mb]
  52. Relative_Humidity: Relative humidity with respect to water [%]
Region Alaska, U.S.; Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories, Canada
Spatial Reference
Spatial Resolution Point based
Spatial Coverage Latitude 34.5893 to 71.2752, Longitude -165.6848 to -98.0895
Temporal Coverage 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08
Temporal Resolution 10-second intervals
Is Supplement To
Related to

Abshire, J. B., A.K. Ramanathan, H. Riris, G.R. Allan, X. Sun, W.E. Hasselbrack, J. Mao, S. Wu, J. Chen, K. Numata, S.R. Kawa, M.Y.M. Yang, and J. DiGangi. 2018. Airborne measurements of CO2 column concentrations made with a pulsed IPDA lidar using multiple-wavelength-locked laser and HgCdTe APD detector. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11:2001-2025. https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-11-2001-2018

Allan, G.R., J.B. Abshire, H. Riris, J. Mao, W.E. Hasselbrack, K. Numata, J. Chen, R. Kawa, M. Rodriguez, and M. Stephen. 2018. Lidar measurements of CO2 column concentrations in the Arctic region of North America from the ASCENDS 2017 airborne campaign. SPIE Proceedings volume 10779, Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring XVI, 1077906 (24 October 2018). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2325908

Sun, X., J.B. Abshire, A. Ramanathan, S.R. Kawa, and J. Mao. 2021. Retrieval algorithm for the column CO2 mixing ratio from pulsed multi-wavelength lidar measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14:3909–3922. https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-14-3909-2021

Sun, X., P.T. Kolbeck, J.B. Abshire, S.R. Kawa, and J. Mao. 2022. ABoVE/ASCENDS: Atmospheric Backscattering Coefficient Profiles from CO2 Sounder, 2017. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2051

Dataset extent