CO2 and CH4 Production in Soil Incubations from Low and High Centered Polygons, Barrow, Alaska, 2012-2013

Roy Chowdhury, Taniya ; Graham, David; Wullschleger, Stan

The dataset consists of respiration and methane production rates obtained from soil microcosm studies carried out under controlled temperature and incubation conditions. Soils represent the low- and high-centered polygon active layers and permafrost (when present) from the NGEE-Arctic Intensive Study Site 1.

The data file contains the results of the incubation study for six cores: NGADG0017, NGADG0073, NGADG0005, NGADG0009, NGADG0048, NGADG0043. Core and soil characteristics are provided along with the incubation conditions, replicates, and CO2 and CH4 results.


In order to use these data, you must cite this data set with the following citation:

Taniya RoyChowdhury, David Graham, Stan Wullschleger. 2016. CO2 and CH4 Production in Low-Temperature Soil Incubations from Low and High Centered Polygons, Barrow, Alaska, 2012-2013. Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic Data Collection, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Dataset accessed on [INSERT_DATE] at


NGEE Arctic Data Center

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Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier DOI: 10.5440/1237703
Institute Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Publication Date 2016-08-23
Version 1.0
Product CO2 and CH4 production data
Sensor SRI 8610C gas chromatograph
  1. BGC_Soil_Incubation_Data_V1_TR_20160722.xlsx
  2. BGC_Soil_Incubation_Data_V1_TR_20160722.csv
Variables [Units]
  1. Core_ID: Core collection: Hydraulic drill (Big Beaver) with a fitted liner was used to collect intact frozen soil cores to a maximum depth of 1m
  2. Date_sampled: Date core was collected
  3. Lab_processed: ORNL core processing: Soil cores were shipped frozen and returned to -20°C freezer and stored until further processing
  4. Date_processed: Date core was processed at ORNL
  5. Region: Possible values: North Slope
  6. Locale: Possible values: Barrow
  7. Site: Possible values: Intensive Site 1
  8. Area: Possible values: A,B
  9. Soil_type: Possible values: organic, mineral
  10. upper_depth_of_soil_layer: Upper depth of soil layer as measured during core processing. Layers correspond to Soil_horizon [cm]
  11. lower_depth_of_soil_layer: Lower depth of soil layer as measured during core processing. Layers correspond to Soil_type [cm]
  12. Incubation_condition: Possible values: anoxic, oxic
  13. Incubation_temp: Temperature at which soil microcosms were incubated [Deg C]
  14. Length_of_incubation: These represent the length of time i.e. day(s) for which the microcosms have been incubated [days]
  15. Microcosm_replicate: Represents the replicate of a microcosm under an Incubation_condition and Incubation_temperature for each soil_type
  16. Respiration_rate: The calculated value of respiration rate: micromoles of Carbon dioxide per gram dry weight soil [Micromoles CO2 g dwt-1]
  17. Methane_production_rate: The calculated value of methane production rate: micromoles of methane per gram dry weight soil [Micromoles CH4 g dwt-1]
Region Utqiaġvik, Alaska
Spatial Reference
Spatial Resolution Point based
Spatial Coverage Latitude 71.2 to 71.35, Longitude -156.7 to -156.4
Temporal Coverage 2012-04-12 to 2013-04-16
Temporal Resolution Discrete
Is Supplement To

Roy Chowdhury, T., Herndon, E.M., Phelps, T.J., Elias, D.A., Gu, B., Liang, L., Wullschleger, S.D. and Graham, D.E. (2015), Stoichiometry and temperature sensitivity of methanogenesis and CO2 production from saturated polygonal tundra in Barrow, Alaska. Glob Change Biol, 21: 722–737. doi:10.1111/gcb.12762

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