The GIS database contains the data of aufeis (naleds) in the Indigirka River basin (Russia) from historical and nowadays sources, and complete ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 and Qgis 3*...
The GIS database contains the data of aufeis (naled) in the Chukotka region from historical and nowadays sources, and complete ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 and Qgis 3* projects to view and...
The GIS database contains the data of aufeis (naleds) in the Kolyma River basin (Russia) from historical and nowadays sources, and complete ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 and Qgis 3* projects...
The GIS database contains the data of aufeis (naled) in the Yana River basin (Russia) from historical and nowadays sources, and complete ArcGIS 10.1/10.2 and Qgis 3* projects to...